Information About Breast Procedures
Return to Work
4 – 5 Days
Breast augmentation surgery resizes and shapes the breast for a fuller, enhanced appearance through a variety of techniques.
Breast Augmentation + Lift
A breast augmentation with a lift combines two procedures to create fuller breasts while also removing excess sagging skin.
Breast Lift
3 Days
A breast lift procedure can help to tighten the breast by eliminating loose skin for women who have experienced drooping due to a variety of factors.
Breast Implant Removal
3 – 5 Days
Breast implant removal may be desired after an initial augmentation procedure for an array of reasons to return the breasts to their original size.
Breast Reconstruction
1 – 2 Weeks
Breast reconstruction is often provided following a mastectomy or lumpectomy to restore the breasts for a natural, enhanced appearance.
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery removes excess breast fat, skin, and unhealthy tissue in abnormally large breasts to decrease their size.
Breast Revision
Breast revision surgery may be performed for several reasons, including to correct or remove a defective implant or alter its size.
Gynecomastia treatments are used to treat enlarged breasts in males by removing excess fat tissue from the internal chest region.
4 - 5 Days
3 - 5 Days
1 - 2 Weeks