Breast Implant Removal Pictures in Ashburn, VA


She did not want to have the breast implants anymore. She has had them deflated to evaluate how she would with them breast implants removed. Notice how in the top half of her breasts she has a mild depression. It is also visible in the profile view. In her case, this is relatively mild and she elected to have no breast lift surgery done. In other cases, this depression can be quite significant and may warrant some degree of breast reconstruction. Typically this would be revised using the patients own fat. So she would have fat transferred into these areas on each breast.

Breast Implant Removal Photos

The image is used to show the appearance of the breasts before undergoing a breast implant removal procedure.
The image is used to show the appearance of the breasts after undergoing a breast implant removal procedure.

Breast Implant Removal Photos

The image is used to show the appearance of the breasts before undergoing a breast implant removal procedure.
The image is used to show the appearance of the breasts after undergoing a breast implant removal procedure.

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.

The Loudoun Center for Plastic Surgery

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